Fridays are for learning.1 These are some interesting links for the week ending April 27, 2018.
Warehouse is finally, officially, the new PyPI. Well done to everyone who helped make this happen!
On making a blog with more privacy.
An overview of one of my favorite new(er) Python standard modules, pathlib.
Python 3.7 implements PEP 553, a better way of inserting breakpoints in your code.
Maybe we can figure out when IoT devices are compromised using machine learning?
Of course, many IoT devices are insecure and compromise their users privacy even when they aren’t infected by malware.
Your deep dive into concurrency for the week: “Notes on structured concurrency, or:
statement considered harmful.”Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes.
Microsoft Azure’s Container Instances (aka “just run my image in a container already, will ya?”) are now generally available.
The future of Kubernetes is serverless. Agree/disagree?
Finally, a shout out to Heptio’s “TGI Kubernetes” series, live streamed every Friday afternoon at 1 pm US Pacific time (calendar). (Here’s a sample: TGI Kubernetes 027: Securing the k8s dashboard and beyond!)
Late addition: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is out! Check out what’s new.
If your work won’t let you spend even 10-20% of your time keeping up to date with your profession, quit your job and find a better one! ↩