Posts tagged as containers
Fridays Are For Learning, 2018-W25.
Fridays are for learning.1 These are some interesting links for the week ending June 22, 2018. Joe Duffy says “Hello, Pulumi!” Pulumi is a new service to configure cloud services/IaaS programmatically using JS/TypeScript/Go/Python. Modern deployment systems now mean diving into piles and piles of YAML, compounded by the piles of additional YAML you need to configure that YAML for tools like Helm. So in a general sense I agree that higher-level tools would be useful. … (read more)
Fridays Are For Learning, 2018-W24.
Fridays are for learning.1 These are some interesting links for the week ending June 15, 2018. As you may have inferred from my comment last week, docker build has been the bane of my work with containers basically from the start. This week we saw a major movement toward improving the situation: experimental BuildKit support was added to the Docker builder. (You have to opt-in to use it, but we’re on our way now! … (read more)
Revisiting a past project, part 1: plans.
This post is part of a series reimplementing one of my past projects using technology available these days; for a general overview, please see the prologue. Continuing on from last time, the design of the system as a whole is, intentionally, pretty boring. I think boringness is underrated by developers as a whole; I actually want my projects — especially my work projects! — to be as boring as possible because it buys you predictability. … (read more)